Friday, December 7, 2012

Flying on an airplane with a baby

Flying on an airplane with a baby?
Hello :) So, my son is 4 months old and we will be traveling from San Antonio Texas to Pittsburgh Pennsylvania for Halloween to see my sisters. I am absolutely PETRIFIED about flying with him. Although he's not an ultra-fussy baby he still gets upset if he's not being entertained or played with. I'm very nervous that while on the plane he's going to be screaming because his ears will hurt from going up and down in the plane. I chose an aisle seat so I'll be able to go to the bathroom as I please and be able to walk up and down the aisle if necessary, I don't want to have to disturb anyone. I also was just going to hold him on my lap since we will be only going on two flights, (a 1 hour flight and then a 3 hour flight) I figured it wouldn't be too bad to hold him. Now I'm really regretting not getting him his own seat for his carseat. Do any of you travelling moms have any advice? I am really scared, I don't think I've ever been so scared for anything in my life! Please tell me I'm not being overdramatic and this is normal? Thanks! :)
Air Travel - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
no you are not being dramatic, im sure he may be annoying to some but theyc an mind their own buisiness, i reccomend that you bring him a toy that lights up and or a binky for him to suck on so he will be occupied and most likely he wont cry with it in his mouth
2 :
If you want to keep him quiet give him tranquilizers. They do it for adults.
3 :
I flew from El Paso, TX to Louisville, KY with a baby. I gave him Hylands teething tablets and Advil to keep him calm. It worked quite well in all honesty.
4 :
People travel every day on thousands of flights with infants and there are never any major issues with other passengers. Try to ensure he is tired, so the probability of sleeping is more likely. Take a favourite toy too.

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