Sunday, October 21, 2012

Will I need to recheck my bag for multiple international layovers

Will I need to recheck my bag for multiple international layovers?
I will be flying from San Antonio to Kathmandu soon, making 4 stops using 4 different airlines. Two of the airlines I believe are affiliates (Jet Airways and Air India). I fly from San Antonio to Dallas on American Airlines. Next I fly from Dallas to Toronto on Air Canada. Then from Toronto to Heathrow on Air India. That same plane will take me on to Delhi where I switch to a Jet Airways fight to Kathmandu. The average time between flights is about 3 to 3 and a half hours which I hope is enough. The change in Dallas however is only one hour and 45 minutes. Air India and Jet Airways assign seats at check-in so I'll likely be getting my tickets when I arrive in those airports. This is my first international flight and I'm not sure when, where, or if I'll need to re-check my baggage and it has me kind of worried as all of my gear for 6 months is in one checked bag. Any help or advice I would greatly appreciate. Thanks! Also, do you think I'll be able to check my bag to my destination?
Air Travel - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Once you check your bags, the entire procedure should be behind the scenes. That being said, your bags will go through Customs Checks at Pearson, Heathrow, and Indira Gandhi. Unless you're carrying something the local Customs people don't like, it won't have much effect on you. Personally, since you'll be spending all your time in the International Area of each airport (i.e.: the Departure Lounges behind Security), you won't face Customs until you land in India. Good Luck!
2 :
You will have to re-check luggage every stop, except in Dallas.

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