Thursday, May 14, 2009

white flight from san antonio

white flight from san antonio?
is there white flight from san antonio to outer surburban like areas of san antonio?
Other - Cultures & Groups - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
who cares????
2 :
It has to do with the large number of criminals that relocated after hurricane Katrina, before San Antonio was mostly native white Texans and Mexicans, now things have changed. Nobody wants to live in a getto, even the Mexicans are moving.
3 :
I can't tell you the answer to that because I have only been in San Antonio as a tourist and what I did noticed was that there were few actual white people,and a lot of mexicans pretending to be white, talking like "ohmygod,like ohmygod like yeah ohmygod" and I heard that they call their sweet "fifteen" parties (debutants) hahaha unbelievable!!!I wonder what makes them think people are going to take them for actual whites no matter how "white" they act.
4 :
In general, as the buildings in downtown San Antonio are converted into Condominiums and high value apartments, this area will increase in white demographics. The area of Alamo Heights has not changed significantly with your supposed "white flight". Studies have shown that african americans will pay more for an identical house to live in a primarily black area. This is also true of hispanics. I would imagine the study would also hold true for whites, but was not performed on that group. However in white people, they will pay more for a house to be with people of the same education and socioeconomic strata, even if others with less education could get a similar house for less.. It is human nature, It has nothing to do with San Antonio.

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